The Truth is America
If we look back over the MAN-MADE atrocities of not just 2020…. But the last 4 years even.
If we really look at what has taken place as individuals: not as a race, a job title, not politically;
But as a human…
We would see that Everything these wicked people are, is out in the open…. we ALL see it…
All of us have 2020 vision if we just look.
If we look We would see.. that these people who allowed Trump and his minions to steal the Presidency in 2016 with help from a foreign entity, are the SAME people, who allow the patenting & rendering of disease, and to genetically modify our food, & our children's reproductive systems.... who crashed the economy, who allow injustice in the courts, and police officers who murder innocent people; who allow drug manufactures to make these sub-par medicines and products to get bailed out of justice with Insurance payouts while the people suffer and some die.
Truth be told
Trump has been nothing but a pawn in a bigger corruption….
These same people put him out front as some type of fall guy for their corruption: I'm not saying Trump is completely innocent, but I am saying he wasn’t President when any number of these prior things happened…
The stock market crash, stolen 401ks and pensions, housing market crash, or the rendering of the “other” patent protected election diseases created.. like Zika, SARS, Avian Bird Flu,
Or any number of things Trump did while he was in his STOLEN position.
The list could go on and on…
Why don’t "They" do something? The people scream!
"The new House of Representatives tried; but understand, because they are under a “pact”; the oath they take to work together, and come up with solutions… "in house"… They weren't able to impose an Impeachment.
Because both sides have some wicked, guilty PEOPLE, (it's not about a political party)
Not to mention:
The crooked ones are still in position, in the senate, with those who have been corruptly appointed… and positioned who have not the experience or moral compass needed to govern.
Then there are the others who cover and corrupt.
The ones, we do not see - The puppet masters..
Understanding the importance of the ones we didn't see. (I say didn’t) because even as we speak, they are being brought out into the open…
That’s what’s really happening…. We had to know where they were; their true positions and what they were really doing.
The LORD said Now were going to see them in their real forms: their witchcraft, and sorcery has been cast to hell, no longer can they hide in their iniquity.
Were going to see them in their real forms… and By the marks they shall carry…
He said tell YOU (Them) again what they shall be:
The LORD said:…
He said it’s coming 2 ways: (to clarify; there are multiple things within each)
These are YOUR Judgements: