Do Not Be Deceived:
The Lord said: we must understand; there has been iniquity from both Democrats and Republicans.
He said the battle is not between them, it’s between what’s good & what’s evil. There is no in between, He said:
**Evil must be openly discredited, not bent for…
He said Trump is not "suppose" to be President.
He said TRUMP… has been used to MAGnify the injustices that these people have wrought: in that of, HIS own stolen 2016 election and the ensuing degradation, and falsities and blatant disrespect… that was shown and imposed upon us ALL…as a people and everything good we stand for…..
Even TRUMP himself has been subjected and used by these very people. To them: A mere pawn.
Mr. Trump: The LORD told me to tell you, YOU have a choice to make, whether you choose to continue down the road of wrong doing, ( he said you know what has been done), or turn; because their will come a point in time where you will have to decide which way you are going to go.. with them or with him In truth?
But understand these people used you..
You know it… you see it… and we see it too…
But the LORD said he will use you for a higher purpose if you choose what’s right.
You don't have a lot of time to decide.
There are a lot of things about to happen spiritually Mr. Trump..
You want to be leaning to the RIGHT side of Truth & Justice.
May your ears be open, and eyes able to see.