A message from the Great I AM to the world
Good Evening,
My name is K'EsSee Moshe' and I have a message to share with the world from the LORD.
I want to first say, that no matter where you are from, or from what walk of life. this message is to you. I know that we are all standing in the atrocities of evil. From one point or another. All throughout history these people have sought to do nothing more than destroy. What people am I referring to? Some call them the Illuminati, the Secret society, whatever. The Lord calls them the offspring of satan. Most of the atrocities facing us as HUMANs & beings, can be attributed to these people.
Their sins & who they are can no longer be hidden, which is why all of their atrocities are out in our face, so that we can clearly see who they are.
Now the Lord is going to show us who he is. What I'm about to tell you, is a secret part of all of our history.
Told from the perspective of the LORD. This will undoubtedly be the MOST life changing information you will receive. I ask that we all take a moment, and allow the magnitude of what you are about to witness sink in.
I present to you: